The tubing head adapter provides a transition between the Christmas tree and the tubing head. The bottom adapter connection matches the tubing head and the top adapter connection matches the tree. Tubing head adapters are available for all types of single- and multiple-string completions, including those using electric submersible pumps, packers, downhole control valves, and gas lift valves. These adapters come with threaded, flanged, or studded-flanged top connections. Most tubing head adapters are available with hydraulic supply inlets for downhole control lines. If the customer requires, PARVEEN also supplies various types of adapters that will accommodate continuous control-line capabilities.
It Provides sealing bore for a variety of electrical feed-thru configurations, including penetrators, cable pickoffs, and continuous feed-thru penetrator mandrels. Also, it has reliable seal bores for tubing hanger neck or seal sleeves.